SPƵվ is currently recruiting Local Advisory Panel members. If you have knowledge and experience linked to any of the local or regional areas listed on this page please consider the role opportunities below and register your interest by completing the form.

Recruitment for these roles is ongoing.

If you would like to discuss LAP opportunities in any part of England or require any assistance in completing the form please contact [email protected]

What is a panel?

Regional governance in England is delivered by a series of Local Advisory Panels.

The primary purpose of a panel is to support SPƵվ to achieve the full breadth of its charitable purpose, reaching the hardest to reach learners and responding to local needs.

Each panel supports and enables the engagement of learners and members in their locality, striving to hear from and respond to the full diversity of our learner cohort and the wider communities which would benefit from the learning we are able to offer. LAPs help SPƵվ ensure that local insights are part of decision-making locally and go through to the highest levels of the organisation. The panels advise the Board of Trustees and report to them via the SPƵվ Council.

Locality of Local Advisory Panels (LAPs)

We welcome expressions of interest from individuals about LAP membership at any time.

1. North East

2. Tees Valley

3. Liverpool City Region

4. Greater Manchester

5. North Yorkshire & York

6. South Yorkshire

7. West Yorkshire

8. East Midlands

9. West Midlands

10. Cambridge & Peterborough

11. Norfolk

12. Suffolk

13. Greater London

14. West of England (Combined Authority)

Terms of Reference for SPƵվ Local Advisory Panels in England

Local Advisory Panel Terms of Reference and Local Representative Body Statement of Representation

Date of approval by SPƵվ Council: 21 June 2023

Date of approved by the SPƵվ Board of Trustees: 13 July 2023

Purpose of Local Advisory Panels

Each Local Advisory Panel (“LAP”) is constituted in accordance with SPƵվ’s Regulations, section 5.

The primary purpose of the LAPs is to support SPƵվ in ensuring that it achieves the full breadth of its charitable purpose, reaching the hardest to reach learners and responding to local needs. In doing so, each LAP will:

  • assess the impact of SPƵվ regionally and locally;
  • contribute to the advancement of SPƵվ’s relationships with learners and the wider community; and
  • explore how SPƵվ’s aims, vision and mission are understood and expressed in the heart of local communities. 

Through informed assessment of SPƵվ’s relationship to learners, the wider community, and its understanding of local issues, LAPs will contribute effectively to the success and impact of SPƵվ regionally and nationally.

LAPs shall maintain structures and procedures that support and enable the engagement of learners and Association Members in their locality, including those Association Members who are not associated with any local representative body (e.g., “branch,” “local association," “network”).

LAPs are advisory to the Board of Trustees and report to them via the SPƵվ Council.

Composition & Appointment of Members

Each LAP shall have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, backgrounds, and knowledge to advise and to make informed recommendations via the SPƵվ Council to the Board of Trustees on carrying out the full breadth of SPƵվ’s charitable mission within their designated locality, their locality’s effectiveness in identifying and meeting local needs, and representing the interests of SPƵվ learners, ensuring they have a voice in decision-making at all levels across the Association.

It is recommended that LAPs are comprised of no more than 10 members but should be of sufficient size to ensure the LAP can effectively carry out its purpose and responsibilities. In general terms, each LAP should include a mix of:

  • Association Members within a specific locality (e.g., Scotland or a geographical area recognised as an English Region by the Board of Trustees, and as may be updated by them from time to time); and
  • Representatives of local organisations, current or potential partners, and other stakeholder groups. 

Appointments to the LAP shall be based on relevant skills and experience as determined from time to time by the Board of Trustees. 

LAP members shall be recommended by a recruitment panel comprising of the LAP Chair, Head of Education, Governance representative and an additional SPƵվ Council representative.  Formal appointments shall be made by the SPƵվ Council with guidance from the Nominations Committee. All appointments will follow the SPƵվ safe recruitment policy and procedures.

Members of the LAP are appointed to a term of up to four years, renewable once for a maximum term of service of no more than eight years.  During the term of their appointment, they will be expected to hold a basic DBS clearance, to abide by the Governance Code of Conduct, and to participate in periodic training, skills audits, and effectiveness reviews as may be required from time to time.

Members of the LAP shall elect from among themselves a Lead Volunteer and Deputy Lead Volunteer.

Representation on SPƵվ Council

SPƵվ Council is a committee of the Board of Trustees having functions and powers as set out in SPƵվ’s Articles of Association. It is SPƵվ’s chief stakeholder body, representing to the Trustees the interests of learners, Association Members, and others in the communities SPƵվ serves. Nomination and selection of LAP representatives on the Council is made with consideration of ensuring geographical balance across the membership of SPƵվ Council.

Local Representative Bodies (“LRBs”)

LRBs (e.g., “branches,” “local associations,” “networks”) are self-organising groups of learners and/or volunteers and/or Association Members who may unite around a common interest or set of interests. LRBs wishing to provide feedback, raise concerns, or otherwise ensure organised communication and engagement with an LAP may elect to seek recognition by an LAP.

LRBs seeking recognition by an LAP must present and maintain a statement of purpose and at least one named contact.  Such statements and contacts shall be notified by the LAP to the Director of Corporate Governance. 

LRBs sit outside SPƵվ’s formal governance structure. Thus, they may have but do not require formal structures, and may change, dissolve, or merge according to the needs and interests of the group.  If recognised by an LAP, however, such changes must be notified along with any updates to the statement of purpose and named contacts.  SPƵվ reserves the right to unilaterally withdraw designation for any LRB if it deems there to be an inconsistency with SPƵվ’s charitable purpose or values which could endanger or undermine the integrity or reputation of SPƵվ, or if the LRB has been inactive for more than 12 months.  The withdraw designation of an LRB is within the power of the Board of Trustees, on the recommendation of the LAP wherever practicable. 


LAPs shall normally meet termly (i.e., three times per year). At the discretion of the LAP, additional meetings may be arranged for specific purpose. These meetings will be coordinated with annual planning cycles for budgeting and curriculum development, and with meetings of SPƵվ Council.

The Head of Education within the relevant locality or their designated representative shall attend meetings of the LAP.

Secretariat shall be provided by the Director of Corporate Governance or their nominated representative.


Within the Locality

  1. To build strong community links and networks to promote the work and interests of SPƵվ.
  2. To evidence and act on local views and issues, giving due regard to the views and needs of learners, Association Members, supporters, volunteers, funders, and other stakeholders.
  3. To listen to the learner voice across all types of provision (including accredited and unaccredited, skills-based, cultural and community learning provision) and ensure this is provided as feedback to the SPƵվ Council.
  4. To play an active role in helping SPƵվ to shape and influence local and regional strategies which may impact upon SPƵվ’s funding and/or service delivery.
  5. In the interest of points 1 – 4 above, to facilitate the convening of an Annual Meeting of Association Members and stakeholders within the locality, the purpose of which shall be to promote engagement with SPƵվ activities, and to advance SPƵվ’s mission and values. The Annual Meetings will be organised by the Head of Region in each English region, with LAPs taking an instrumental role in determining the content and focus for the meeting in their region, coordinating with other LAPs where there are multiple LAPs within a region.

In support of SPƵվ’s Strategy

  1. To support the Head of Education within the relevant locality and/or other SPƵվ staff in identifying and/or campaigning for additional funding and/or partnerships to expand SPƵվ’s charitable reach.
  2. To support the Head of Education and/or other SPƵվ staff in identifying and securing any resourcing needed to improve learner access to SPƵվ courses and/or learning support.

Together via SPƵվ Council

  1. To advise Trustees on issues affecting SPƵվ delivery, including learner voice, branch/local association development, and the application of Association policies.
  2. To keep the LAPs membership and procedures under review, ensuring these remain fit for purpose.
  3. To keep the LAPs terms of reference under review and recommend any change to SPƵվ Council for consideration by the Board of Trustees.
  4. To consider the ongoing need for the LAP to regularly refresh its skills, seeking out appropriate opportunities for training and development.
  5. To consider the recruitment needs of the LAP, including the need for the diversity of the LAP to reflect as fully as possible the diversity of SPƵվ’s learners and the local communities it serves

New LAP Formation/Representative Body Guidelines

SPƵվ colleagues can apply to form new LAPs or Representative Bodies by completing the appropriate forms below. Click on each link to access the appropriate form.

For further information contact the governance team at [email protected].

LAP Lead Volunteer

Term of office:
Appointed to a term of up to 4 years (renewable to a maximum of 8 years), subject to review by the SPƵվ Nominations Committee

Time commitment:
1 day per month LAP business + 1 day a month SPƵվ Council business.

We work flexibly in your Region. LAPs meet at least termly (3 times a year) + SPƵվ Council up to 6 times a year. LAP meetings are normally held on-line via Teams however, events such as annual meetings and SPƵվ Council meetings are usually hybrid (face to face and on-line).

Role Overview:

In addition to the qualities set out in the LAP member role description, our Lead Volunteers:

  • Are elected from within their own Local Advisory Panel to oversee LAP meetings, in accordance with their Terms of Reference approved by the Board of Trustees, ensuring all LAP members participate effectively in SPƵվ governance.
  • Lead their LAP in line with SPƵվ values, working with regional and governance teams in line with SPƵվ’s reporting cycle to agree LAP agenda content and productive LAP meetings, communicating milestones and keeping LAP governance plans on track.
  • Ensure LAPs contribute effectively to SPƵվ’s regional curriculum offer and support regional learner progress.
  • Are proactive in seeking and maximising opportunities for partnership working in line with strategic goals and share good practice and lessons learned where these can benefit others and the wider SPƵվ.
  • Represent SPƵվ in the region, building strong community links and networks to promote our work to ensure that adult learning is within reach for all.

In addition to the qualities set out in the LAP member role description, our Lead Volunteers undertake their role in partnership with SPƵվ staff to:

  • Ensure each LAP member is supported effectively in their role.
  • Ensure compliance in all aspects of LAP activity.
  • Take a key role in succession planning for their LAP, including the development of existing members and the recruitment of new and diverse volunteers with relevant skills to the LAP.

SPƵվ Council Role

From May 2025, any LAP member may be nominated to play an active role as one of five LAP representatives on the SPƵվ Council. Further information about the Council transitional arrangements during 2024, the Council composition as agreed in January 2024 and their work plan can be requested by contacting the governance team.


  • Leadership skills.
  • Experience of leading committee work.
  • A commitment to network and promote the work of SPƵվ regionally and nationally in line with SPƵվ plans and policies.

Training available
Induction and training relevant to the role will be provided*.

As a volunteer, you will receive ongoing support from the SPƵվ governance and regional SPƵվ teams, who will help you plan your LAP activities, identify training needs and support you in resolving any issues. Support is also available from the SPƵվ Volunteering and Membership team.

*Our induction and training framework is currently under review and an enhanced framework will be rolled out in due course.


Please not the role outlined above is voluntary, however agreed expenses will be paid as per the SPƵվ volunteer expenses policy.

LAP Volunteer Member

Term of office:
Appointed to a term of up to 4 years (renewable to a maximum of 8 years), subject to review by the SPƵվ Nominations Committee

Time commitment:
Up to 1 day per month, meeting at least termly (3 times a year)

We work flexibly in your Region. LAP meetings are normally held on-line via Teams however, events such as annual meetings may be offered as a hybrid (face to face and on-line).

Roles and Responsibility within your Region:
Each LAP takes collective responsibility for their actions in line with their latest Terms of Reference as approved by the Board of Trustees, SPƵվ Regulations and Policies. LAP members play a vital role in our local governance to:

1. Build strong community links and networks within the region to promote the work and interests of SPƵվ.

2. Evidence and act in line with SPƵվ plans and policies on local views and issues, giving due regard to the views and needs of learners, Association Members, supporters, volunteers, funders, and other stakeholders.

3. Play an active role in helping SPƵվ to shape and influence local and regional strategies which may impact upon SPƵվ’s funding and/or service delivery.

4. Help facilitate the convening of an annual meeting of Association Members and stakeholders within the region, the purpose of which is to promote engagement with SPƵվ activities within the region, and to advance SPƵվ’s mission and values.

5. Support the Head of Region and all SPƵվ staff in:

  • Identifying and/or campaigning for additional funding and/or partnerships to expand SPƵվ’s charitable reach.
  • Securing resource needed to improve learner access to SPƵվ courses and/or learning support.

In accordance with SPƵվ governance policies and processes LAPs also:

Keep their LAP’s terms of reference under review and recommend any changes to SPƵվ Council for consideration by the Board of Trustees.

  • Consider the ongoing need for the LAP to regularly refresh its skills, seeking out appropriate opportunities for training and development.
  • Consider the recruitment needs of the LAP, including the need for the diversity of the LAP to reflect as fully as possible the diversity of SPƵվ’s learners and the local communities it serves.

SPƵվ Council Role

From May 2025, any LAP member may be nominated to play an active role as one of five LAP representatives on the SPƵվ Council. Further information about the Council transitional arrangements during 2024, the Council composition as agreed in January 2024 and their work plan can be requested by contacting the governance team.

All SPƵվ LAP volunteers are friendly, welcoming and patient, reliable and trustworthy; enjoy learning and helping others; feel confident talking to a range of people and enjoy being part of a team. They bring impartiality and objectivity to decision making.


  1. Demonstrate a strong passion and commitment to the Association, its strategic objectives, and charitable aims.
  2. Demonstrate a strong passion and commitment to their local community, and an interest in forging meaningful and productive connections with all stakeholders to advance SPƵվ’s mission.
  3. Good, independent judgment and ability to work effectively as a member of a team (including the use of technology to support team working).
  4. Strong interpersonal skills, networking and relationship-building abilities.
  5. Feel confident when analysing a broad range of information and data to effectively challenge and spot trends and patterns.
  6. Understand and accept responsibilities of the LAP and LAP member role.
  7. Ability to commit the time required for the role, including for any training.
  8. Commitment to equal opportunities and the promotion of diversity.
  9. Willingness to undertake eligibility checks in accordance with SPƵվ’s recruitment policy.
  10. A commitment to follow all relevant regulations and policies.


  1. Experience of partnership working.
  2. Knowledge of relevant sector guidance and statutory frameworks in England. Knowledge of local and regional strategies which may impact upon SPƵվ’s delivery of adult learning.

The range of knowledge and experience that may be of benefit to each Local Advisory Panel includes (but is not limited to):

  • Experience as a beneficiary of SPƵվ, or equivalent lived experience.
  • Education (delivery or administration).
  • Experience of the voluntary sector and/or public sector.
  • Business and commercial experience.
  • Fundraising.
  • Finance.
  • Law.
  • Charity administration and/or governance.
  • Human Resources / Learning & Development / Organisational Development.
  • Marketing.

Training Available:
Induction and training relevant to the role will be provided*.

As a volunteer, you will receive ongoing support from the SPƵվ governance and regional SPƵվ teams, who will help you plan your LAP activities, identify training needs and support you in resolving any issues. Support is also available from the SPƵվ Volunteering and Membership team.

*Our induction and training framework is currently under review and an enhanced framework will be rolled out in due course.


Please not the role outlined above is voluntary, however agreed expenses will be paid as per the SPƵվ volunteer expenses policy.


Embracing and Supporting Diversity

The SPƵվ is passionate about creating an inclusive workplace that promotes and values diversity, where our workforce and learners can work and study in an environment that is supportive and inclusive, and in doing so, recruit the best candidates from all backgrounds and identities.

The SPƵվ welcomes applications irrespective of people’s age, disability, sex, gender identity or gender expression, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, neurodivergence or other personal circumstances.

The organisation continues to work towards the ‘good work plan reforms,’ ensuring greater transparency and protection for staff working under more flexible working arrangements.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is a key part of our strategy and a central part of everything we do. We have policies and procedures in place to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and consistently at every stage of the recruitment process. This includes the consideration of reasonable adjustments for people who have a disability and/or who are neurodivergent. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

SPƵվ is a Disability Confident employer and recognises and celebrates good practice in recruiting and supporting disabled applicants. We have also signed up to Investors in Diversity accreditation a national framework for improving FREDIE practices within the workplace. We are hold Investors in People silver accreditation.

Join us as we continue to open doors through adult education, improve social mobility, and build a future where everyone realises their full potential.

Applicants with a disability are invited to contact us in confidence at any point during the recruitment process to discuss steps that could be taken to overcome operational difficulties presented by the role, or if any adjustments or support are required regarding the recruitment process.

Further information

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity and positive promotion of equality and diversity through our educational provision, our employment practices and in the democracy and governance of the SPƵվ.

Our action plan shows how we are improving our practice at all levels of the SPƵվ; nationally, regionally and locally. We will measure our impact and seek feedback on our activities and consult with our learners, volunteers, staff, members and partners on how we are doing.

Championing diversity

We have a network of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion champions who work across the SPƵվ to promote our work, share good practice and support staff, tutors and volunteers.

If you have any questions, please contact our EDI group at [email protected].

Register your Expression of Interest

Interested in one of the roles? Simply fill in the form below and we'll be back in touch.

Enter your details
Your Local Advisory Panel interests
Please select up to 2 roles of interest.
Your experience and suitability for volunteering
You can read the SPƵվ volunteer privacy notice at our policy page.