As a full-time carer to her daughter, Alex was determined to find a course that was flexible around her family and where she could learn new skills. Little did she know this would also improve her confidence and wellbeing. 

Alex’s daughter was born with a physical disability which often means her clothing needs to be altered to fit properly. She joined the course to learn how to tailor clothes to fit her daughter and create her own garments. 

Alex waving and smiling at the camera wearing a pink jacket standing next to rolls of fabric

“My experience has been brilliant. Everyone on the course including the teaching staff have been really helpful and understanding.”

Sewing into Business equips learners with basic sewing skills which enables them to create and upcycle garments and even upholster furniture. The course includes modules to teach learners how to set up their own business to sell their creations. 

Alex struggles with social anxiety and found it difficult to complete day-to-day tasks on her own before finding the SPƵվ.  

“I suffer with social anxiety and since being on the course I’m already doing things on my own. Normally I would have to have someone with me. I’ve started ringing places and speaking to people on the phone which is a big step for me. 

This course has helped connect m to the local community as we’re going in and out to shops, we’re talking fabric, we’re buying fabric.” 

Alex is now hoping to set up her own business giving her the flexibility she needs to look after her daughter while earning an income. 

Lady in yellow jumper learning with the SPƵվ on her laptop

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