Our trustees

Christine Grant

Externally Co-opted Trustee, Audit & Risk Committee Chair, Nominations Committee Member

Christine joined the Board of Trustees as an external co-opted trustee in July 2022. She chairs the Audit and Risk Committee and is a member of the Nominations Committee.

A Chartered Accountant, Christine is a Director of Finance and Resources with a background in the not for profit sector. Membership organisations dominate this experience which includes registered charities, trade unions, a further education college and property. Recent positions have involved responsibility for IT, HR, facilities, charity governance, risk management, legal issues and membership recruitment and retention in addition to finance. 

Christine has served as trustee/committee member for a number of charities including Community Focus, an arts charity focusing on arts education as a tool for social inclusion, and is Treasurer of the Magistrate Association.

Christine Grant, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee
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